Monday, September 28, 2009


We had a great weekend. Very full, very busy, very tiring...but fun. VERY ready for Monday morning.

Friday was beautiful. It has been for the last week (until yesterday). Fall in the Adirondacks is unbeatable. The Ministry Center is breath-taking. I am drawn to that place and want to stay! We were there a lot this week.

Friday morning we were at the barn. We walked the donkeys down to the lake and spent time enjoying the beautiful scenery. We hiked up my mom's mountain (that's what we call it) behind her house to the lean-to and ate lunch looking at this:

After that, we ran home, grabbed girly off the bus and headed out to the boys soccer game. It was so beautiful and soooo much fun to watch all three of them (Tyler plays too) play together. They won 5-0!

Saturday was spent, again, up at the barn in the morning when four of us had the opportunity to ride. Dallas and I rode Pearl (the HUGE spotted draft horse) and Ethan and girly rode Snickers the cute pony.

That's me!

We finished at the barn and I got the chance for a night out with the girls to go shopping and have dinner. We didn't get home until almost midnight.

Last night our youth group did a progressive dinner for our senior citizens in the church. That is always so much fun. We love serving them in that way. It was a great night.

Today is back to normal...we are headed to the barn!

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